Sunday, March 4, 2012


5 foods to maintain health

  1. . YogurtYogurt contains calcium, potassium and protein. Its regular consumption is beneficial for digestion and heart health. Yogurt contains live lactic acid bacteria, which have strong antimicrobial activity and inhibit the multiplication of harmful microbes in food and intestinal.
  2. Eggs - Eggs can be part of a healthy diet.
    Complete proteins, which contain important for muscle strength, providing constant energy and contribute to our satiety. So breakfast, including eggs, can suppress hunger and reduce total calorie intake during the day.
    In eggs contain many important health vitamins - D, A, B6, B12. Can be a means of maintaining slender figure.
  3. Kiwi - Kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C - content is higher and that of portokalite. Kivito contains lutein which prevents blood clots and eye diseases as macular degeneration.
  4. Nuts - Nuts contain valuable nutrients and are an important element of a healthy diet. They are useful in the fight against belly fat and the regulation of appetite. To take advantage of the health benefits of nuts, you need to eat a handful of raw and unpeeled nuts, almonds and hazelnuts a day. Walnuts and hazelnuts help reduce cholesterol, and almonds to regulate blood sugar.
  5. Broccoli -  Broccoli is good for digestion and maintain immunity because they contain vitamin C, potassium, calcium, beta carotene, fiber. Broccoli is good for men. The vegetables helps the prevention of heart disease and cancer of the bladder, which is more common in men.

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