Tuesday, May 1, 2012


15-minute workout for legs on the method of  Tabata

Your feet contain a large arsenal of muscles. Create a workout that is designed precisely in this area with cardio elements and get a serious challenge. Get ready to sweat sound and displayed by training you will learn to appreciate every second of your rest. 

Here is the workout for lower body Tabata method:
Exercise 1: 250 single skip rope or 100 double (with a jump when the rope passes under you twice)
Exercise 2: Tabata - squats
maximum of 20 seconds, then 10 seconds rest, repeat 7 more rounds
Exercise 3: 250 single skip rope or 100 double
Exercise 4: Tabata - walking with attacks
maximum of 20 seconds, then 10 seconds rest, repeat 7 more rounds
Exercise 5: 250 single skip rope or 100 double

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